Monday 28 November 2011

Weather Dependent

So my group and myself are now just waiting on the weather. We've had a few days of slight rain, but not enough for our opening. I'm hoping it snows sometime now up to the deadline. We need to really get cracking so we can edit the final draft.

Tuesday 15 November 2011

First Draft

All our hard work has paid off, and it is evident from our great first draft. We will keep up the productive work and hopefully our final draft will look absolutely amazing.

Archive Of A Hard Days Work; A Sainsburys Trolley, A Tree & A Dress In Autumn

First Day Of Filming

What a great start to our opening! Elisha, Alyce Megan, and I had a really successful day filming our first few bits, and I must say, it wasn't as easy as I thought it'd be. In order to achieve our shots, Megan had to CLIMB a tree, Alyce and I had to push a trolley with Megan and the camera in it, and Megan was stuck in a trolley capturing the wheel movement. We chose a perfect day to film our autumn shots as the weather was just how we wanted it to be; a bright day covered in leaves. Overall I'm thrilled with our first day of filming, and I'm looking forward to continuing with the opening.

Wednesday 9 November 2011


A quick run thorough of our storyboard's we've produced.

Filming Location

With great thanks to Megan, my group now have our location! Absolute amazing ideas she has come up with. P.s. such a cute dog

Song Choice

Our choice of song dilemma has now been accomplished! We wanted an upbeat song that reflects the girl on the bike making her journey to the unknown destination. My group and I came to a final decision yesterday and thought this is the perfect song. As this song is copyrighted, we will play the song through headphones.

Finalised Story Line

After a fun filled lesson discussing treatments, we came up with 3 ideas:

1) The final separation of two close friends due to University ends in tragedy as a car crash determines their future relationship.
2) 1960's themed bike ride that flashes back the main character's treacherous childhood she tries so desperately to forget.
3)Things take a turn for the worst when a girl is given shocking news about her dad on the day of her 18th birthday

We pitched our synopses to the class, with great feedback and advice on how to improve our ideas, as a group we came to the decision to alter treatment 2. We have decided to completely cut out the characters treacherous childhood, and make it a fun, quirky, exciting opening. The girl will be riding a vintage bike through a country lane with a repetitive cheesy grin on her face. We came up with the idea of different weather change in each shot, to show the continuity of the journey the girl carries out every morning. The destination of the girl will be unknown in the opening, so that means the Mise-en-scene won't change (apart from the weather of course).

Thursday 13 October 2011

Thinking about ideas for our film opening

In todays lesson we had a brief think of ideas of what we could do for our film opening. We came to a mutual decision, and my group think it's best we don't stick to the safe option and do horror. We think it could become cliché, and we want to do something completely out of the ordinary. I can't wait to start storyboarding! Oh, and we get to film pretty soon!

Wednesday 12 October 2011

What we've done so far

This is my 3rd take of my archive as the previous 2 were out of synch..just my luck hey! This is a basic summary of what we've been focusing on over the past few weeks. Enjoy.

Youtube need to sort themselves out

So I'm sitting here like a lemon waiting for my youtube video to upload. Guess how long it says uploading time is? 183 MINUTES! My patience is definitely being tested here. But the video will be here soon Miss Foster :)

Monday 10 October 2011

First Filming Using The Flip Camera

This is my groups first footage from the flip camera. We were given our media equipment, and off we went to explore the wonder of filming. We didn't plan what we were going to film, we just went with the flow, and it suprisngly went smoothly (with a few slip ups). The editing looks really great on the video, and for first timers I think we did an alright job :)

Sunday 9 October 2011

Analysis and Representation

Asynchronous sound - sound which is indigenous to the action but not precisely synchronized with the action.

Two Shot - used to create a relationship between two characters, normally during dialogue. Two shots may be combined with mid close ups.

Close Up - focusing mainly on the face or a detail of the mise en scene. Close up shots magnify the object, emphasising the importance. Often used in 'shot reverse shots' of dialogue between characters.

Eyeline Match - is a continuity editing practice that creates a look or a gaze of a character as it follows the eye. E.g. if a character is looking at an object it will cut from the character to the object.

Shot Reverse Shot - is a method of filming a conversation, it shows one characters point of view, then the other’s, then back to the first character’s.

Jump Cut - is a cut to later action from one filmed scene to the next, creating an effect of discontinuity. A jump cut is where two shots of the same subject are taken from slightly different camera positions. This type of edit causes the subject of the shots to appear to “jump” position.

Establishing Shot - similar to a long shot or extreme long shot, the establishing shot is used to ‘set the scene’ at the beginning of a film/TV drama. Tends to show the setting.

Over The Shoulder Shot - gives us a character’s point of view but includes part of the character’s shoulder or the side of the head. This type of shot is very common when two characters are conversing.

Dolly Shot - the camera moves horizontally alongside the characters or action or scene. The camera is moved along rails or tracks in order to follow the action.

Depth Of Field - is the zone between the nearest and furthest points at which the camera can obtain a sharp focus.

Friday 7 October 2011

Final Prelim

This is my groups final prelim. Suprisingly, we picked up the techniques of filming and editing really quickly. As a group, we are really looking forward to starting our film opening.

We had fun editing the outakes, and playing around with iMovie. We gained a real undestanding of how to use it and how to speed up/slow down things.

Sunday 25 September 2011

Latymer's 'Blackout'

The opening to 'Blackout' is very exciting, as the ending of the opening leaves you in suspense as to what could happen after and why. The eerie music added to the suspense of the characters movements. I like the fact there was no speech, and that the only noises were footsteps, doors creaking, keys jangling which gives a sense of urgency and fear. At 1:29, the audience feels as if they're watching a perpetrator through CCTV footage, as this is the only part in the opening that is black and white, which captures and escalates the villainous intentions of the character. I like how they focus and unfocused the camera when the boy gets pushed to the floor as if he were unconscious. The opening is cyclical as it starts with ‘Blackout’ being the name of the film, and the boy literally does blackout.

Last Weeks Lesson

In last weeks lesson, we were shown film openings from past AS students. Our focus was critical analysis of camera angles, use of editing for maximum impact and overall effect of a film opening. The element of suspense was the most eye catching for me. We spotted a few errors, and pin pointed what the group did wrong to not gain full marks. I now know what things I should avoid doing, for example, summarising the plot within 2 minutes instead of producing an opening, using only one type of shot, etc. I'm looking forward to planning my film opening as I have a real thirst for wanting to capture the audience and leave them in awe.

Wednesday 14 September 2011


Just testing if blogging from my phone works

My First Post

After an hours worth of trying to figure out how to work this thing, I'm kind of getting the hang of it :)