Thursday 15 March 2012

99.9% last day of filming

After long days of filming in all weather conditions, we are finally happy with our footage. Last week my group went filming and we thought we had finished, unfortunately when we uploaded onto the Mac, we realised the ending of our film opening was rather boring and we had some troubles with the sound. We filmed several endings to our film, Elisha said things such as "Why are you here?" and "Shit". Instead of any dialogue or another person within our film, we decided for Elisha to drop drugs whilst she is riding her bike, and she takes her headphones out. By taking her headphones out it helped us with the sound bridge. We are still working on the second production company 'Rock Pictures', we feel it isn't long enough therefore we may film again or experiment with iMovie. The deadline is in two weeks, so we are on track and we only need to finish that bit off.

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